Very good little thing
Makes the Wii look good. Nice images. Good sound
Very good little thing
Makes the Wii look good. Nice images. Good sound
Oh, cool, thx.
Like Inusfan...
I tend to go into movies above Brackwood ready to vote them down to 'their proper place'...but...
All my five R belong to you today!
This could be on TV.
I dont usually bother reviewing stuff where everyone's already said it all.
I seriously look forward to Ep 2
Well Done.
I would give you some constructive criticism if I could think of any.
It was really great to score up there at first, but now this movie scores less than my other movies that never even made it in the top fifty.
Cause people didn't even realize that it takes 24 hours for the top fifty to refresh and wanted to get it down below Bitey.
It's pretty annoying.
Glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the review!
Very sorry
When the music cut and repeated I thought it was a dumb NG loop and B'd it with a 0/5. Soreeee!
Then I saw someones review and thought "Ninja?" and looked again. Its funny, it just needs a background and credits and I would pass it. I will give you and inflated review score to try and make up for it!
yeah.. that's a shame, you sure hitted that button fast!
short and to the point. the music at the beginning was clipped short, so it didnt sound very good. See if you can think of a way round that.
All the Dragons & Spirits use a mouse. None of us has a pad yet. A lot of the best guys use one, but it depends what you are used to. If you already used a mouse in Paint for many years, like me, then its doesn't matter much, otherwise maybe a pad is good. try someone else's and see how you get on.
Asking that question was a smart way to get reviews!
Do you still use the mouse 13 years later? I dooooo <3
Not too bad, but...
nothing really grabbed me at all. There was some bits and pieces of reasonable images, but not mauch animation and no real point to any of it. The tank bit was vaguely funny, but that was it really. It was well enough put together and the credits were fine.
Authors is spelt thus.
No u >:(
OK but not great
+some good graphics
+good lip sync
Maybe its just me but...
Were we supposed to know these people? Was this story supposed to make any more sense than just someone coming home from space and not being missed?
I didnt get that other guy who just appeared for a moment. Wa that just random?
I didn't get the repetition thing yep yep yep?
I guess most people know the music is Johhny B Goode, but you should still put it in the credits, especially since there are ship loads of versions of JBG- that was the Chuck Berry version, yes?
the other guy was a cutaway, the repetition thing is half parodying king of the hill, it is the chuck berry version.
Good laugh
Some nice stuff in there. It helps if we know the Ackbar series.
I can just picture the staff rushing to get round a monitor and see your latest, then ribbing each other for the rest of the day!
I was kinda hoping to see Stamper screw up NG in their absence, do you think you could insert that somehow- just a quick bit at the end?
Thanks for the review.
The movie's OK, the sounds OK, the musics OK. Its not great, its kinda short with basic animation etc etc etc.
Never mind all that- is it for real? I've never seen this little thing?
Where is it? Are we really supposed to save it- should I alert all the Dragons & Spirits on Friday?
Tank_Sm.gif forever?
Tank_Sm.gif we love you?
don't go Tank_Sm.gif ?
How dare they take away our beloved Tank_Sm.gif ?
Is that the idea?
I mean we can do this... I can ask the Spirits- Hefalump will pout and Pegasus will cry and earthdragon will make the ground shake and they will have to listen to us!
Yea. It is real. If you click on the forums link under the newground banner > look for where it tells you when you visted last and it will be on the opposite side.
That is the idea and if you want to you can ;) Nifty review btw ^^
If you had read the instructions for submission...
... you would know that the alphas is the place for this. Tom makes it quite clear. We dont come to watch bits and pieces. If you upload it as an alpha, then PM me and I will view/review it.
I use the Alphas, so should you.
Okey but i have not heard about the alphas so dont get angry on me
Nice little thing
I agree its a bit dark, but it is supposed to be night- maybe christmas lights would do the trick?
As an e-card it is everything it is supposed to be, but you coudl put in a little button taking you to credits, just to add that little bit.
The music is nice and reminds me of the kind of tinkly music you get when you open a musical card, which is appropriate
Thanks, but, I have updated a cartoon .
Watch it.
Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I was the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I was a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcom
Age 61, Male
London, UK
Joined on 9/29/05