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very messy

Its does tell some kind of story. It might help if I had any idea what a peggey was, tho I doubt it. I did give it a replay to see if it made any more sense, but not really. I can be pretty light on things that are funny, but this is too scribbley and doesn't make much sense to me.
You need to put in some backgrounds and make it clearer. Take out the bits that are half rubbed out and have a proper end with credits

MelleE responds:

ummmm k

Good idea

Not every well done. English so poor it is hard to understand. Good choice of weird christmas music to match weird christmas story.

GabrielBarsch responds:

I think to make a halloween story

Make Stamper stamp!

Some KK skulls, of course, in the sequal!

At least, for once, Wade was porttrayed as a hero!

Its very scribbley etc, but its fun

CaptainCloud2 responds:

Thanks for your idea i can always use suggestions!

Good work, but not a fair view of the space race

The soviets not only beat the USA into satellites and man in orbit, they also beat USA with an animal in space- the dog BEFORE the USA monkey, a satelite view of the far side of the moon, a robot landing on the moon and a robot rover driving on the moon.
Also, your diagram of the comparative sizes of rocket was appalingly misleading- you did not show the compartive height in proportion or weight.

I believe that Yuri Gagarin's step into space was just as important as Neil Armstrong's and that therefore the USA did not eclipse USSR at all.

orb responds:

It was supposed to be a joke, pretending to be an old American propaganda film.

Obviously I didn't actually think the difference in height/weight warranted that depiction in the graph, etc.


-What else could I say? I love the new shadow, just as Eagle and I thought.

HWM is right, rather than a neat little list of improvements, the Authors Notes sound like a desperate plea. Change that first sentance now. I am amused to notice, for the first time the shadow of the old castle behind the new one- I don't suppose anyone else would notice tho-
Its all good. Your place in the Dragon/Spirit Continuum is assured, with our thanks!

OxSox responds:

Hahaha yeah, the wind mill shadow is of the old windmill too actually. I changed the first sentence less desperate, maybe?

Not too bad

Needed some attempt to get the F in 'Face'. It would make a lot of difference. Turn the volume down when you test it yourself- knowing the words yourself already, it helps you to see how much you have expressed the mouth movements.

NG isn't really a place to upload tests, but I suppose being sick puppies, we were kind of entertained anyway!

Lord-Of-The-Crayons responds:

Yeah I guess NG wasn't really the right place, just wanted to get some opinions. Thanks for the responce, I've been enlightened :D

Very Good

All good quality.

Could do with a button taking you info on the Jersey Devil Wiki? I am a well-read British person, so I have heard of the Jersey Devil, but most people around the world probably haven't and remember, it doesn't come from Jersey at all, but NJ!

Snakejohnson responds:

I understand that. Dropping the "new" made the title sound better.


Some of the art is very good. You have made good use of filters. All is at least OK. The idea is fun. The animation is not very exciting or technical, but its OK.


needs a proper credit to the makers of Tetris within the movie. Maybe the ghosts (are they dead yet?) of Garasimov and the other guy should come into future episodes. PM me.

Really, this one owes its success to the enduring and captivating popularity of Tetris more than anything else, but the choice of subject matter is all part of our skill, isn't it!

Jimtopia responds:

Well thanks for an honest review IceDragon.

Haha sick!

Its good. If you listen to my Wedding sub, you can hear me talk in a similar way- the way the Dragons & Spirits actually talk to each other when we are being particularly soppy. Is AL on NG? He should be Co-authored if he did the animation.
its great. The irony of the Sunny D being the worst day af all was brilliant and so like some people!

BodiesOfStanley responds:

Al is co-authored now he didn't make an account on NG till afterwe submitted it but really we both worked on this anyways.

Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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