
1,378 Movie Reviews

482 w/ Responses

13 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

Its very good

Please do consider continuing with this in your style, regardless of StrangeClock's epic work.
the art is good, though not great
The animation is good
Your interpretation of LOTR is amusing and interesting.
I like your version of the sequence with the other rings.
The naration is excelant
Best Wishes,
IceDragon64 of the Dragons & Spirits

Good Start

+ good art
+ good animation
+ OK sound

Is there no way to fix the file? - ask around the forums or soomething. At least put the SWF into Flash file, that will put still images into a Flash file you can work with.

This is surely worth a bit of time it, but has no real entertainment value as it is.

Its good, of course

You got your wish- page! yay!
Up to/down to the usual standards!
You know - crappy animation, good voices, silly plot. Funny!

If you haven't already started on the next one I wouldn't mind seeing where the story could go from here- Like what happens when no-one want to come to NG cos theres no Tom etc. Maybe trump gets in some kind of high powered staff, who cant cope with the crazy way NG is maybe the cat pees on trumps feet. What Wade does with no job. What Tom does when he gets bored and maybe, you know how these things go- buys back NG and brings everyone back from the silly places they all are at the time.
Best Wishes,

Good stuff

+ some good details of shade and animation.
+ good sound

I din't understand it really. there are plenty of people on NG who, like me, don't do BBS and may not understand what derailing a thread means. I just about know what a thread is- a pathway of forum conversation, and I can guess that its bad to 'derail' it from this flash but... beginning with an example of forum thread being derailed before seeing it metaphorically would make sense- or at least a little info button if you think I 'm in such a tiny minority!
It definatley looked good though.

This is good and very important

I SO support this flash I just phoned my Spirit friends to ask them to vote on it!

It leaves me feeling funny inside, just thinking about it. I would be very grateful if you would tidy up the poor spelling, though as this is educational- then I could vote five as my heart is telling me to.

If you got serious about this I think things like hyerperlinks to relevant web-sites for info and photos with warnings and more info buttons would be good. If you need help PM me. This is important

Well Done

Not an animation

Despite the fact that I DO see the funny side of this, to a point, Tom says our subs should have animation in them and this doesn't. I would therefore advise you to animate it.

Apart from that, there is technically nothing wrong with it. Unlike most tiny little submissions, this one has a point implicit in it- It was about being nothing but one letter. It was about being a spammer and getting support from people by making them laugh.
The point of visiting here and exploring is not, to me, looking at a letter B, but exploring the reviews- it is indeed a piece of portal history and a monument to, amongst other things statwhores.

Christmas Dragon- Yay!

Well, yeah. I would be a bit biased, wouldn't I?

No seriously. Its good. I don't like claymation much and I don't usually watch it here cos its usually lame.
+Well lit
+full story
+well created
+got a dragon
+good voices
+got a token amount of flahs in it!

Homeless responds:

thanks. I'm glad that you liked it.

Not bad... please work on it.

+ good art
+OK animation

sort of story
sort of funny

-didn't really understand it- talk to your friends, get someone to help you make it what you mean it to be.
-glitch at the end- it just stops, then if you press play you get some meaningless, silnet mouth movements

Art good tho, please work on this

Arec responds:


thanks for the help...i seriously need to work on my attention span because i get so focused on makin one..then i just get lazy...really lazy...but I'M gonna try my very hardest to make a full...fully detailed, flash with all the works...AND I VOW TO MAKE FRONT PAGE AND TOP....100...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA. ..THANK you for your review though..you helped lots

Keep working on this.

+ Looks good
+ animation good
+ idea good

-Needs intro/explanation in the movie
-Not finished
-credits slightly off right hand side
-Replay button didn't work
-redo lift buttons- in neat row and all same
-redo scribbled plant pot into neat shape with gradient

The above improvements would make it worth 7/10

Its generally good work- but frustrating as it is- you have good material turned into crummy stickman fight by lack of story and above errors. Please do improve, its worth it.

Emi-Killer responds:

OHHHHHH...forget to add a actionscript to the restart button. sorry.^^

This doesnt really belong here.

It not too badly done, but try Youtube. this is a flash website.

If you wanted to make it better and more appropriate to this site you would put flash animaiton over it, with smoke and flames etc.

Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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