Of course its very good, but...
Calling it "Book" 2, as if your little episode 1, which was not much more than a trailer, was a "Book" is very pompous.
It didn't all make much sense:
Why would he set off without all those weapons, then have them thrown after him? However cool you are at catching stuff experts don't take chances and don't set off without their basic weapons.
"Hey, Hank! You forgot these... and you might just want this sword!" You showed off your animation skills at the expense of style and story.
Why would all those people come rushing at- then past him? Or was he supposed to be rushing past them so fast that they didn't even turn to him as he passed and they all carry on looking forward? Yeah, right.
Also, none of them carried any kind of weapon, even though apparently none of them could fight?!
Oh, don't get me wrong, I didn't come here just to be abusive. Its a very impressive flash in many ways, but you've got hundreds of people taking their time to write and tell you how "Awesome" it is, when it has no sound, only music, not much storyline with no explanation or introduction, and it is, at the end of the day glorified Stickmen Fighting crossed with Madness.
If someone doesn't encourage you to make the storyline etc as good as possible, where's the incentive to improve?
Love the details, like the the flag to stab the guy with.
Got bored with the same image of eyes over and over again.
I will check out III soon- expect another long review! I hope despite your success with this series, you will improve the early ones, since everyone will want to see them.
Best Wishes,