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OK dressup

+Fair selection of options etc, but otherwise nothing special. Basic character, no background/options; no Movie Clips; nothing original
Its passable, so I passed it, but dressups are common and thse days have to be a bit special to do well here.

BlueSquareFilms responds:

my sandwich game was special, but this is pretty generic i agree. but it's better than most of the craps out there.

borderline protect

I am surprised at your level you have not seen something like this on NG, they come out every few months. Indeed, many of these have been seen here a few times before. If you had only produced, say the first ten I would bl@m it, especially since it is really just a slideshow, with no animation.
However it was the biggest collection of these I have seen and it had humour in the last slide.
You need to move the text in the closing frame, it is obscured by the buttons.
Best Wishes,

Seandadj responds:

haha, thanks it did have some moving animation :P but yeah ill move the text tomorrow, need sleep justnow. thanks for the review :P

Nice work.

+ Good explanation- Good of you to explain it first
+ Good instructions
+ OK art and animation

- its a bit bland without any sound. this is probably the highest score I have given without sound.

I don't normally comment on other peoples reviews, but this is CONSTRUCTIVE: When we submit, we only have two choices: game or movie. The buttons are actually called Movie and Game/Interactive. Therefore this is the correct choice. I understand a viewers dissappointment at finding a tutorial if excpecting a game but zeroing a useful tut is unfortunate.

Bibilo responds:

Thanks for the review, I just hope people realise it's not a game...considering "tutorial" is in the title.

I like, I approve

I enjoyed playing this- it is up my street indeed. I was disappointed with myself how badly I did at first, then I got the knack a bit and I learnt the flags a bit- which is good for me!
I started with about 7-10 flags for the first few goes, then got on to 17-20 after a bit. It crashed a few times with a error message about the movie containing something making Player 8 run slow. When it finally did that on my highest score-20, I lost patience with it.

I think it would benefit form better resolution pics- not necesarily bigger, just clearer as they are. We would learn more and those of us who know a fair few flags would benefit from our knowledge more- which is supposed to be part of it.

I look forward to the full range. At first 84 flags seems a lot, then you kinda get fed up the same ones after a bit. You could make the full range a level (or two)up.
I didn't miss music as such, but yes, you were lucky to score as well as you did without it. Sound is such a big part of NG. In fact if you think about it, you did well- this is one of the highest scoring soundless subs I know! If you are going to do it I trust you will do it well with a small selection of different styles of music (or other sounds?!) and an off button (I know, I'm a hypocrite!) If you could get National Anthems to play for the flag you lose on, that would be cool, but I guess way ambitious! 84 sound clips, or more!
As it is its good, do it up and it could really score.
Best Wishes,

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

I thought I sorted out that bug. The problem was that it doesn't pick the same flag 2x, but for some reason I think my array didn't reset after each game.

Meaning that when it runs out of flags, it currently crashes. Many apologies and I'll try to sort it out.

I mainly didn't include sound for the sake of a low filesize. I suppose you're right though - folk on NG expect to be supplied with tunes rather than having to open winamp or whatever.

The idea of national anthems is great! I'd love to do that, but I don't know if I could find them all out - specially with some really obscure countries.

Thanks for the great review!

Stay funky,
- Bez


I enjoyed it and I was challenged by it.
I started with hard.
I found hard too hard and gave up quickly!
Although you have said all 300 countries are in it, I kept having some of the same countries come up, which started to affect my score. I got a hiscore of 51 twice.

It looks fine and it sounds fine. Was that 'you got it right' sound your voice?

Its cool and fireeagle liked it too. He 's 12 and he was clueless on Easy!
Best Wishes,

LuckyLollipopLad responds:

Glad you liked it!

The same country should not come up twice in the same game, but could well come up in subsequent games as they're essentially randomly picked. Odd if it's happening all the time.

The countries are divided amongst the 3 difficulty levels.

The 'got it right' sound and 'wrong' sound were from flashkit.com, I think.

Thanks for the review!

Very Good

I see why its here in the collection-
+ Clear
+ Cheerful, lightly humourous and positive with cheery music
+ Unusual volume control
+ Examples and good pictures
+ Buttons taking you to further info for those that need it, instead of going through boring stuff if you know it
+ Good looking

1. parentheses is the plural for parethesis

2. "Just experiment and found [find] out on your own

3. Replay button only hit on default text area- this is a bit lame for a button tut, surely- you click on the area and maybe nothing happens of you don't click the text.
4. You explained the meaning of the words for the four frames of appearance, the didn't go there- it was like you meant to and didn't get round to it. People should be encouraged to go there and do that- they can do such great things with the up/down etc. and they might put in proper hits.
Many people will not understand what to do when they double click and you are JUST the person to tell them! Many people will fail to put in a keyframe in the right places and screw up.
This is a very good tut- please make it a GREAT tut!
Best Wishes,

blanblan responds:

Thanks for the great review. I'll be sure to improve this as much as I can using your tips. :)


Yet still better!

+Good Sound/music
+good graphics
+Good info, well written, almost no errors left

-automatically is still spelt wrong!

Generally as last submission, title better.

If ways can be found to improve this submission, such as putting the animation in at its best, I hope you will continue to do so.

It is hard to be objective but I have tried to vote and review with my honest opinion (D&S don't subscribe to your rules, despite being a mojor contributor to this sub.)
Best Wishes,
IceDragon64 of the Dragons & Spirits

highwatermark responds:

I value honesty when I can't force it out of someone. Keep being honest; you'll be rewarded someday :)

Another nice one.

I asked you to make more in this style and you did- Thank you!

I had not thought of using a movie clip to continue music- does that mean it continues beyond a 'stop all music' instruction?

there are even less errors in this one. I will send you a detailed edit if you want, after you update the last tut.

I am not sure if it is such a good idea to give up to three different ways of doing the same thing- I think it may be confusing to a beginner. Perhaps, instead just put in a note somewhere taking the veiwer to alternatives or something.
As many people submit tutorials it is hard to get a good score in tuts, so you are doing well- the reviewer before me has the top reviews per day in all of NG, so you can imagine he has seen plenty!
PM me any time. I like your style
Best Wishes,

IceyDrummer responds:

thanks man, umm the stop all music does exactally what it says, no matter what im pretty sure it stops the music, ya, another thing for movie clips is eyes, there they blink every "Enter you number" frame(s) lol but thx for the review i have been busy with band and stuff so i havn't had really any time to fix things and i have finals this week so i don't no when i can fix the stuff

Yes, I like this!

+well written
+pleasant music with off button
+good diagrams
+example of button
+full explanation

There are a few text errors- which I list here, but the english isn't bad by NG standards. Please consider making the next step in buttons from this is the same quality, clear style.
Text errors in order:
Title-Tutoria/Tutorial - tutoria is plural and this is all one tut.

usally/usually; lets/let's; conver/convert; do no/not release; somthing/something; actions pannel/panel; buy/by clicking; couple OF frames

It needs credits including music- "text edited by IceDragon64" would be nice!
Best Wishes,

IceyDrummer responds:

lol thank you for the review this can def be helpful, i will look for these errors, and we will c...about the text edited yes i did forget to give credit to the song and i will fix that asap!

Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I was the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I was a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcom

Age 61, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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