
1,378 Movie Reviews

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Looks very good

+some very good effects. hard to believe its all in flash. Excellant 3d and stuff

-rather small size though.

Its fine, its good

Up to your usual standards
As the guy before me says, you might expect this to be on TV.

nothing wrong with it, nothing I'd change.
Well Done!


+Funny 'translation'.
+crazy complicated pictures!

-couldn't read the subtititles well against the mixed backgrounds
-there must be a way to reduce the file size enough to get it all in?
I am no expert at such things, but ask around and experiment.

difficult to review-score

My head says its not very good, but my heart says you put quite a bit into it.

+you have indeed told the whole story, more or less.

-the images are scrappy
-The sound really is pretty rough. The worst aspect is that the music is too loud in relation to the speaking. Seeing as its in Speakonia, which is not the easiest to hear I cna hardly make out the workdsYou explained why you used Speakonia, but I am afraid it hasn't come out at all well.
-The animation is very limited.
-there are no real backgrounds. It would help a lot to explain the story if we could see where people are and a bit of snow on things.
See what you can do to improve this.
Best wishes,

Knuckles-gay responds:

I'll try

borderline protect

Its not great and its rather tasteless, but its technically OK and its slightly funny.
There isn't much to it really and I am sure you can do better, but I see you've got through, so OK.

technically limited, but funny enough

It doesnt seem to sync all that well in the later stages, but we got the idea. I have to say I have no idea what the real lyrics are!

For all I know yours WERE the real lyrics.

Do more like this and see if you can incorporate a bit more Flash into them for the serious types like SCM, who is reviewing just before me tonight! People love misheard lyrics, there are websites just for them!
Best wishes & merry Christmas

Stigmatas responds:

Sorry It didnt Sync, You Really Need a Good Internet Connection, Ill Tinker With It And See What I Can Do, Merry Christmas Matey. =D

Good tut.

Looked good, worked well. Useful, made me feel like learning these things I don't know.

-title yellow text on white looks bad
-spelling not perfect- bad on tutorials where it lowers confidence eg.
and "beggining". Get someone who is good at english to go through it all and credit them "text edited by" Its not that hard for anyone and adds that touch.

you helpfully put in "Click Here if you don't know...
I think the text for that part would look better just slightly different colour on the up; also it should have a rectagualr hit area, not just the default of the buttons.

I will now go and try the Motion guide tut!

PatrickM60 responds:

Thanks for the review Ill try to fix everthing you mentioned.

Good video

+very good art
+good animation
+important message, well expressed
+got subtitles

How about a little info button at the end taking you to info about bad debt. Something fairly discreet, not a big lecture, just a few facts and maybe a source of info for people to get help or something?

kyle-christie responds:

I like that idea, its a big problem this debt thing. It happened to me and I'm through it now, but I fear for others.


Standard funny little Ock thing.

probably is spelt thus.

danishcoffe responds:


Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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