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What an Epic!

Such a shame that so much work didn't manage an award, it deserved at least a little one.
Unfortunately, Speakonia is often difficult to hear, which makes such a complicated plot hard to follow.

There were some very funny moments in there, I literally LOL'd once, which is very rare.
I think the pace was a little slow- that is SO hard to get right.

I think I will 4/5 for the effort and the laughs, despite the fact that it gets boring cos of how hard it is to follow and the pace.

IZSBHR responds:

Thank you, good sir.

Not bad

Nothing spectacular, but its OK. Some good images and sound. At least I can hear the words, which is more than I can say for a lot of Speakonia subs.

Standard Ock material, I suppose, in the right traditions, but with nothng new really.
However, it seemed lively and I quite liked it, so 3/5.

At least it is animated (just!)

In a gesture of crew-crew friendliness I will give this a 2/5!

It is, of course, pretty pointless, but I do have some sense of humour.

Generally, I have no time for something so simple, but it beats B and SBL's Triumph anyway!

Best Wishes from the Dragons & Spirits


I liked this one, nicely fitting in a few crews there. Shame about the sound of the voices, but at least you had subtitles.

Of course its good, but...

You shouldn't have the whole first episode with no real story/explanation. W ehave no chance to really see much personality and to care what happends to the characters.

Good sounds, animation, music, VA. Hope ep 2 makes a bit more sense.

dissappointed its got no dragons in it! (yet?)


I just about protected it because there was something about the style I kinda liked. I just blammed a more basic stick one, but this one had length, a tiny story, reasonable animation, a background, music and a sort of ending.

Its still very scrappy/scribbly; no Sound apart from music; the guys are mostly armless and above all its godamn STICKMEN!

SacredBeatz responds:

Haha yea the arms went and gone lol I thought it would be kind of funny watching the arms disappear and reappear.....dont be hating the stickmen tho...its kinda hard to draw actual chars over and over...i did this frame per frame...


Nice use of NG characters etc. and a nice parody too. The animation was quite simple , but effective and the sounds were good. I wouldn't change it at all.

Little-Rena responds:


Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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