
1,378 Movie Reviews

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very good and interesting

Its a bit rough round the edges, with text that is hard to read at the size it is, and doesn't fit on the screen when you big it.
The pic need labels and links to their homes.

The music is in badly ended loops and you can end up playing lotas at once.

I am sure you have seen all this before, so good luck in your new version.

classic clock material

Just how it should be- silly humour, Speaky voices and I liked the thrermometer.

It quite good, its a bit funny

Its reasonably well animated and the art is quite good. I don't get why the mouse poo looks like a cigarette butt rather than mouse poo. I also don't get the corkscrew for a tail.

The sounds and music are good and apt.


Ban day is a cool idea. Wish I could do something like that with our crew!

This is a good movie, with all the traditional elements of Ock style and humour, great sounds and music.
I like this series, maybe we might make a Page for it on Wikigrounds.

Toadstool-Lock responds:

Go for it, there are more on the way!

Its all there, but...

...in a short burst of not much!

Good enough sounds, art and animation- just what you needed for your project, but not that much for a sub on NG. If you could just inject some kind of motive, feeling and personality- some reason why we might care, this could be good.

HermanThaGerman responds:


not too bad

It is very hard to get movies through judgement without sound, though.

You obviously have some ability. The interactive did do something and the art is OK. Why no sound? A single sound would make all the difference. Take a look at my Tutorial submission, see if its any help.
Best Wishes & Keep going

Shirokaze2012 responds:

im actually well aware no sound makes things more likely to fail. i really couldn't find anything that fit too well with it, i spent several hours trying to find anything that may possibly have fit but no luck ^__^''

and thank you ^w^ i've tried really hard to not be lazy with this, animating takes alot more dedication than just scribbling in photoshop ^___^'
and i think i will take a look at that tutorial

Very good

Interesting enough and quite enjoyable. It kept me watching, but I can't say I was swept away by it, as some other people seem to be. Collabs are hard to organise and the many parts were put together well enough. Naturally, the quality varied and some parts added little to the whole.
Calling it a sketch and putting blue lines behind it doesn't alter the fact that it was b/w animation with no real background, no real story and nothing to really absorb the watcher, just quite a good string of fbf's.

Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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