difficult to rate!
The mechanics, animation and art of the Flash are very good. The music is appropriate and the voice is standard CC speakonia. Everything works OK and the art portrayed is a nice collection of parodies. Each looks good and it all works as a collection. I liked the ability to compare with the original too.
Putting together succesful collaborations of quality work is really hard work and this is one of them.
So is it GREAT?
Well, I found myself clicking quickly through, smiling a little and being ready to move on. Only looking a second time to review it did I see all the art skill. Some of them caught my eye , but many seemed like a so-so pic with clock on it.
The Thinker, for example- there is nothing wrong with it a piece of Flash art, but nothing inspiring. Those with a bit of a twist- the clockface being 'carved' into the Moai face instead of slapped on; the Clocks looking out in Banksies art; the melting clocks- were more interesting.
The whole flash, whilst being better art and animation than I could do, was not inspiring or lively. I know its an art gallery not a bank robbery, but we come to the Flash Portal for animation so a bit more action/animation/interactivity would help.
*Divide the art into sections, as they do in art galleries- could be historical based on the art or Clock-based or something else.
*Choice of music or different music for different sections
*Allow the user to go through the doors
*Have something resembling a shop in the shop area- is there Clock merchandise?- one should be able to buy a Strawberry Clock- Posters of the art?