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...they have to be very good to get my support.

What does this really show us? The material in it is just some Sonic scraps with no entertainment value and little interest. Previews normally show some glimpses of what is to come. We really shouldn't have to read the notes to understand a submission, nor have to find something hidden if you want the preview to promote your movie.
The quality of the material is, in itself OK- sound, animation etc, it just has no value as it is and does not inspire me to watch the movie when it comes out.
If you want people to check out your old stuff, at least give us links.

Best of luck with the real submission anyway.

Shadic15 responds:

Thanks... guess you missed the point of this video. Of course there's no entertainment or value,because it's not actually a preview... it's more like : okay, here's the setting, try to imagine something strange happen to the characters, then find out in the actual movie which will come out. Showing you already now, would be giving away the jokes, wouldn't they? The actual preview is, as I mentioned, hidden somewhere.

Thanks for being honest on the quality though.


Liked the message, quite funny.

I was amused at the idea that he was hanging with a rope around nothing, just under his head.


It made me smile.

Needs replay button & credits.

Don't like the language at the beginning.

Couldn't recognise the owner clock, who was that? Could have been in the credits

RobertClock responds:

The owner was the always fabulous FloundermanClock.


+ All OK works OK sounds OK

+Animation mostly simple but does the job
+Art OK

+Made me smile
Liked Taco's best. What has Nija done?

As I've said before, the Taco gay sex jokes are getting a bit boring now.

Keep it going- Happy New Year

Little-Rena responds:

Well alright, thanks.

But that's a shame.


+ Nice looking intro thingy- would be nice to see a credit for that pic unless you really did make it for yourselves.
- falling snow is a bit weird- it falls in all directions

+ All works fine

+all three are OK- for once nobody was lazy and scribbly, unlike so many collabs

+they all worked well, with simple humour to make me smile, good sound, OK art and suitable animation.

*Tomato- tho the animation was limited, it was everything it needed to be. Who is that Bomb? Why is there a carrot with them?

*Canned- what is the thing that flashes on the screen- it spoils the beginning.
I so like the sound of Canned falling over.

* Potato - I noted a couple of moments of good angles and I liked the image of the snowball in Canned's eyes.

If only all crew collabs were as good as this NG would be a better place. Collab organisers should refuse to put crap in their collabs.

Little-Rena responds:

Snow generally falls in all directions, it doesn't fall stright down in reality either, lol.

There was no bomb, it was Ninja with a cross through to show he is banned and the only carrot is the one with shades, that's CarrotSoup, if your talking about the thing on the ground next to him, that's whisky.

Canneds had a problem with v-cam, that's what was up with the flash at the start.


+Art and animation fine

+Funny enough

-Sound levels need balancing- the volume of the sounds is a lttle too high compared to the talking, which is hard to hear.

-Lip sync would be good- the next step

+Proper credits

Enyimus responds:

Thank you very much for the fair review. I will agree that the sound could have been balanced if I had the time; same goes for lip-sync.


Should I review this? I like to give the SS some attention, but its another half-baked thing and it seems mean to give low scores to my friends.

OK, so you know what the problems were and I am sorry your mike is broken, however, not all sounds need a mike, and neither does Speakonia etc.

the story was OK, if rather basic, and the art was reasonable. I look forward to the next real quality SS submission I can really support.

Best Wishes for Xmas and the New Year

Like it

Good stuff. Though I don#t play RPG, I get the idea.

Great voices, animation, art etc.


Intersting how the hero's left hand seems to gain and lose a finger a few times through this!

I don't understand what happens to the guard at the end, probably because I don't know what 'lollygagging' is.

Very Good

Does it have Flash in it as a significant part of what it is? YES

Therefore I say it bleongs here. You are in a difficult place because Tom has Front Paged and supported non-flash entries, of which NN is just one of many, but some people, such as myself are not keen on non-flash. However, I have no doubt that Flash it belongs here.

- I think the "victim" escaped the line on his leg a bit too easily.
-the running was so-so, it looked like what it was, running on the spot. Shooting it on a gym treadmill might have helped. In the second section of running it really had to become a sprint.
The animation running could have been improved, its better than anything I could do but not great.
Its an entertaining idea- Ive seen animations come out and humans go in, but I haven't seen them swap before. I would like to see what happens to the mean bloke next. I liked the should crack thing, which helped to connect the animation with the man at the end. A chunkier actor would have helped to look like the cartoon.

All in all, these are just details, its good, best of luck in the competition.

Jonimator responds:

Haha I agree the running could definitely use some improvement. Had I not been an idiot and gotten my haircut, I would've definitely refilmed that with a treadmill or something along those lines. I just wasn't too keen on having shag hair for my grad photos.. but I digress ;P Thanks for the review!

Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I am the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I am a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcomps

Age 60, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

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