You could do so much more with this. A couple of buttons to other colours, shapes and widths; more info as to what it is; a screen clean thing; any credits.
Its cool as it is, though!
You could do so much more with this. A couple of buttons to other colours, shapes and widths; more info as to what it is; a screen clean thing; any credits.
Its cool as it is, though!
I'll make a sequel, lol :)
credits: No. Just me. Doodling in 'Computing' at college on a mock test paper, suddenly thought of this. Huzzaaaaah.
Very Good
Its one of those compulsive things you just gotta do! At first I thought I just couldn't get more than about 30 but once I saw the hi scores I knew there was some knack to it.
It looks good it sounds good and its absorbing.
good, tho rough
-Poor graphics
-basic animation
Quite funny tho
+Proper credits! Its amazing how many people didn't credit Tom in their Pico productions.
+your own music, sort of appropriate for the flash.
- Spelling: animations
Nice little interactive.
Best Wishes,
However, its all written on the assumtion that everyone knows the game its based on. If you don't the instructions are not that clear. I got the hang of it though. How do you earn skill points? I got them sometimes, but seemingly at random. Why do the same mosters sometimes die in one hit and not others?
There are qute a few levels, but its all a bit plain so far. We don't see the humter at all (which is part of what made it difficult to understand) and its all a plain white background.
All OK
Most of it was OK, though not great, but put together it made it into something entertaining and worthwhile. I like the song, it has some of the spirit of NG.
I though it is was a bit harsh going right back to the beginning of every answer and every level of the game, especially since the quiz had four answers to every question. Thank you for teaching me a bit about Pico on NG. I have checkpoints in most of my quizzes every four questions. I didn't have time tonight to fight my way through it all, so I never got to the dressup.
Best Wishes,
alright thanks, yes i know i made the quiz kinda harsh...and its hard...i bet most people on Newgrounds dont know that stuff (i had to look it up lol)...and the game is kinda harsh too...but it makes it hard, which is better in a way
Good info
Poor english. Spelling so bad some of it is hard to understand. Most common mistake is "to" instead of "too"- quite different meaning.
May I suggest you get someone who has good english skills to go through it for you as it is always difficult to spot your own mistakes.
Best Wishes,
I was crap! lol It looks good though
I kept trying and I couldn't get the hang of it. I can see that you need to swing at the right moment and catch on at the right moment, but I couldn't do it. When I did get some distance I seemed to slow my swing- is that just me or is there some way of keeping it going indefinately?
Good Tut
There are lots of button tuts and most are limited. Indeed I have given 3 or 4/10 to a few of them recently even if they are corect if I feel they have nothing to offer. However, yours is good. It has detailed descriptions, going into lots of options and explanations, with pics etc. It is quite comparable to the great Blan's Buttons in the Collection and is indeed better in some ways.
So, I submitted it to the collection and voted 4/5.
I think this is a credit to the Clock Crew and a service to NG.
However, the text isn't quite right. It is hard to spot your own mistakes so get someone to go through it. If you really want it to make the collection and last forever, you won't want things like:
"these are basically tellnig..."
"...clicked it shoudl go..."
Also, it is usual to reccomend people to put in "_blank" in the URL command so it opens a new window- See Blans Buttons.
Scores over 3 on tuts are uncommon, so well done. I am jealous- I didn't quite make it on my tut.
Best Wishes to the CC from the DS,
Well thanks for the review, man!
I'll be sure to fix those spelling errors right away. Glad you liked it =D
Most of this is covered by the FAQ and indeed most of this material is clearly lifted directly from there. I would not even have protected it except that I saw you had put in the thing about the Audio Portal and explained the difference, which is good
The AP does not get the attention it deserves, mainly cos there is no experieince or BP attached to it- which shows how sad we are!
It doesn't have many errors of english in it but you need to tidy it up. Your own dystlexia is no excuse, you need to get someone to help you. I always get someone to look through everything I submit.
The hit area on the music player is so off I could hardly find it.
I did like the little hands pushing the tank.
I am the saviour!
Congratulations! As Saviour, following Dragon tradition I shall review it:
As far as I can see, this only teaches you things which are relatively easy to do freehand anyway- straight lines and boxes aren't exactly rocket science. I imagine it really comes in for some kind of drawing as part of a programme, so I would think it more useful if you explained how to use it in one or gave an example of putting it into a programme.
It would probably have been better to have some kind of examples at the beginning to show us what we are aiming for-
I didn't like the fancy font. Its OK for a few titles but hard to read thin red lines of it on black. The spelling is relatively good for NG. I only spotted one to instead of a too.
It looked generally good. the music was't my taste, but thats OK, it wasn't playing to start with, and it had three choices and an off button, which is good. However, when you click on a new one it doesn't switch off the old one and they both play at once. I think a Stop all Sounds needs to be built into the buttons.
Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I was the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I was a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcom
Age 61, Male
London, UK
Joined on 9/29/05