Very good
I looked at the other red dragon-Before the Battle first. See my review for comparison. The two make interesting viewing.
Obviously they are both technically top quality pictures- The kind that could be used professionally. I like the subject matter becuase I like dragons! They should be viewed as what they are- gifts for someone called Red Dragon, which means they should be bold, clear emblems-something he can say "Thats me!" Like the other, this suceeds perfectly in that respect. I suppose one should accept that the way the wings look in perfect symetry despite the figure being at an angle is just a sort of heraldic/emblamic look. It has great shading, beautiful form and good anatomy.
It has just a little more detail in the Full View than Before the Battle, which I like, but still has that slightly unbelievable shiney/perfect look about it I described in detail for BTB.
I think the eclipse idea is not a good one. You may have had some specific meaning in mind, but eclipses just don't look like that. The light doesn't blaze out of a total eclipse round the edge lighting up the whole sky that is not dark clouds. You want to show the flash of light on the sword; you want the blade to gleam- total eclipses are dark, like dusk and the light round the edge is just a sparkle- so it looks like you created the picture and plonked a black disc in the way.
The anatomy is interesting- this one is not human-like, and as such is more to my taste. more like a horse or a cat. Personally, I prefer dragons to be more reptilian, and look less like a grown-up version of a girly drawing of My Little Pony, but that is a matter of our different tastes, not your artistic ability, or your achievement of purpose with this picture!
The background has just a little more to it, which, given that you want us to see it on full view is good- there has to be plenty of detail to see when one does that. the watermark is a little more subtle, which I prefer. Its less distracting and more modest.