Was in the Dragon & Spirit Alliance. My DS Halloween & Christmas Quizzes are in the 2006 Collections. I was the main organiser on Wikigrounds, though I don't spend much time either there or here these days. I was a writer in the Monthly Writing and VACcom

Age 61, Male


London, UK

Joined on 9/29/05

Exp Points:
8,640 / 8,700
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
7.00 votes
Pvt. First Class
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

IceDragon64's News

Posted by IceDragon64 - April 30th, 2011

Our Salnax has decided- we are going to get Wikigrounds to OVER 500 good pages by the end of May. We need:
* Pages about any admin we haven't got
* Pages about Flash submissions with Weekly 1st
* Pages about TOP art and audio submissions

We will promote the wiki big time with a celebration of passing the 500 mark.

Can you produce a Flash with the theme of "OVER 500?! !" and submit it just after we break that target?

Contact me, Salnax, Tyler2513 or Spaintendo if you want in on this big project - Make some Pages, improve some pages, give us some ideas- promote the Wiki !!!!


Posted by IceDragon64 - November 22nd, 2010

I decided to write a Page for Revenue Sharing on Wikigrounds. Knowing nothing about it, I did a little research. I have now set myself up and I am going through my old movies resetting them to give a percentage to the musicians as a good Dragon & Spirit should. I am now celebrating my first 1c I have "made" in adverts.

So please visit the page on Wikigrounds and add any suitable info/links you know on the subject- then while you are there, maybe see if you can improve any other pages you see. We are doing GREAT now- heading for 500 pages by the end of the year.

I think it is time we had some recognition from NG- we get up to 300 visitors a day now- don't you?

Flash-wise, I am waiting for Manuel Berja to get round to animating one of my published stories; still trying to finish my game project and occasionally tinkering with Ibby's Hair Restorer, preparing it for the final resub.


Posted by IceDragon64 - November 6th, 2010

Happy Days! I submitted an advert for our Wikigrounds and its doing OK. Over 600 views and a very high review score.

We now have over 400 pages and we are currently working on improving those we have, to eliminate stubs before our next major project. If everyone in the team does a few, we could have no stubs left by the end of the month.

If someone does about 30 Destubs, they could walk away with Monthly Theme winner, no problem. Basic non-stub pages should have:
Any relevent infoboxes/templates. At least 8 sentances. Three sections. At least 1 picture. At least one link. At least one Category.
Most of the Stubs we currently have are Users and just need a few sentances of info about the person, then take off the Stub cat and write Destubbed in the Edit Summary. Its that simple. Just read thier posts and News and drop in a couple of links.


Posted by IceDragon64 - June 29th, 2010

Wikigrounds has taken a number of major steps in the last few months. Our number of Registered Users has risen by loads- we passed our target 200 mark a long time ago. Our number of pages is soaring- we passed the 200 mark months ago and are now on our way to 400, despite removing a number of small stub pages. We now have a picture on almost every page, thanks to our June Theme "Pictures on Pages". The poll we are running on our Front Page shows that 60% of visitors find at least some of the information they are looking for. Finally, our number of visitors per dayis steadily rising month by month.

Please visit, join up, edit, suggest stuff, tell me your thoughts!


Posted by IceDragon64 - December 30th, 2009

Come and visit Wikigrounds. A wiki specially for Newgrounds, with pages about the key authors, submissions, crews, staff BBS words and phrases. If it isn't there, write it! If you want to start a page, start it! If the page is basic, build it! Put in relevent pics, info categories etc. We also need more Watchers to watch for crap and vandalism, though we have over 200 registered users already:


See you there!


Posted by IceDragon64 - July 14th, 2009

The Lead Author of our award- winning sub, HighWaterMark has not been active for a little while, but he has been tinkering with improving the Guide awhile back. I have a few ideas myself and I wouldn't mind building it up into a big review worthy of a new submission. If you have any ideas on what might make it better; what needs updating due to changes on NG, such as the Art section; or you just want to encourage him- PM him:

HWM's Project post


Posted by IceDragon64 - September 1st, 2008

After a few months of doom and gloom as various Dragons & Spirits left or lost interest, our Official Dragon Friend, OxSox inspired me to keep going and do something, so I finally got round to redoing the voice on the Halloween Intro and I am happy to count it as done now. Take a look at the NG page on Wikipedia, that I work on. Tell me of any improvements you would like.
Best Wishes from the Dragons & Spirits


Posted by IceDragon64 - July 28th, 2008

I think I am the only DS who currently visits Newgrounds- the fashion for Flash and NG has passed for the present. Certainly I am heartily fed up with the sound being SUCH a problem when I make animations and I have never found a satisfactory answer.
However, I do still edit stuff for people and review from time to time. Who nows what may be round the corner? If you are good at Flash sound get in touch- you could be the hero of the Dragons & Spirits.


Posted by IceDragon64 - March 2nd, 2008

At last , we have a new Dragon! As of last night, when the Dragons unanimously decided to make her up into a Dragon, our Official Dragon Friend Lisa, is now known as the Shadow Dragon. You can view our web site news here:
http://www.freewebs.com/dragonsandspir its/whatsnew.htm

Welcome, Shadow!



Posted by IceDragon64 - November 6th, 2007

At the moment I am involved in these main projects with other authors-

White-Darkness- improving Solar System for a resub

Imperial Hellkite- he is animating my 60 Word Story "Femme Fatale"

Wolfsrain- improving Halo Havoc

Freerice- with Earthdragon

Tom Fulp has agreed in principle to host a competition for the best animation of one of my published 60 word stories. He asked me to leave it until he has a new system online enabling people to connect better, which I have agreed to.

OxSox is creating a story based on one of my ideas- Fairy Ghost of Future Mother Go see and comment on the Alpha

Meanwhile, one of the stories is having a film short made of it- Don't Just Lie There.

If anyone has enquiries about these, or any projects connected to the Dragons & Spirits, let me know

Many projects